EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art / Areena exhibition space
19.12.2015 – 31.01.2016
Esillä oleva maalaus:
Tyko Sallisen Piruntanssi
Valosuunnittelu: Ina Ytter
Äänisuunnittelu: Can Uzer
Graafinen suunnittelu: Juho Heikkinen
Kuratointi: Dahlia El Broul, Eva Forsman, Kinga Hamvai, Ksenia Kaverina, Mari Kemppinen, Katie Lenanton, Piia Oksanen, Diogo Santos, Nina Suni, Annukka Vähäsöyrinki ja Darja Zaitsev
Kuvat: Ella Tommila / EMMA
ja Ina Ytter (1 & 5)
In Ote, only one work—Tyko Sallinen’s 1919 painting “Piruntanssi” was displayed from The Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection to invite the public to concentrate and take time with an artwork. The gesture of showing a single artwork in EMMA’s Areena exhibition space challenged the traditional display conventions of a collection often exhibited as an entity.
In addition to focusing on the painting, the exhibition aimed to confront the museum’s institutional framework, notably its nearly standardized setting for modernist painting. By drawing attention to the architectural possibilities of a museum’s ’white cube’, elements of the classical exhibition hall were erased, emphasised or re-worked through the lens of light and sound.
Ote physically located Sallinen’s painting in the middle of the space. Off the wall, there was the potential for multiple approaches and interactions. Via the public programme, audiences were invited to explore and test the many ways of being with an artwork in a museum space. Dancing and dining with the work were some of the ways to stretch the limits of institutional space and behavior. A visit to Ote might have resulted in a moment of sharing with strangers, friends or museum guards.
Ote in EMMA’s website
Ote in Facebook
Ote in Anna magazine